A few final words from Caleb Joseph

During my recent interview with O's minor league catcher Caleb Joseph, not only did we talk about some adjustments he is making on offense and defense, we hit on some other topics as well. Like the fact that last year he was ranked as the O's 10th best prospect by Baseball America. But, now, after hitting .235 at Double-A Bowie, he has fallen out of those lists. "I knew before the season was over I would not be on any top ten lists. That's OK, it's great to be recognized. But going to the Fall League has been a boost for me, like the Orioles saying to me 'kid, we still believe in you.' That was what I needed. "If I don't make a top ten list, but I make it to the big leagues, I will be the happiest man on earth. Media attention will come when I prove worthy of it again. I wasn't worthy of any top ten list. I had a terrible year. It is motivation for me to work my butt off to get back to the player that I feel I am and will be." While Joseph is working hard to improve his defense as a catcher, last season he did briefly play other positions for just a few games with the Baysox. Does he think the O's are open to looking at him at other positions next season? "I played four or five games at first base this year, two or three in the outfield. I don't think I am going to turn into a utility guy right away, but it's kind of a secret weapon, I guess, that they know I can play other positions. We are not completely pursuing it yet, because I feel they want me to get so many reps behind the plate to kind of solidify that position first."
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