An afternoon notes snack

Brian Roberts is taking his physical. Reporters hung around his locker for about an hour before taking the hint and returning to the media trailer. Nick Markakis was tearing the cover off the ball in batting practice. One frozen rope after another. Felix Pie also put on an impressive display. He launched one ball onto a stairwell beyond the right field fence, and a gusting wind knocked down another drive. Pie is becoming one of the liveliest and funniest guys in the clubhouse. His personality has done a 180 from last spring, when he barely spoke to anyone Luke Scott actually looks like he's put on more muscle. Same with Michael Aubrey, who said he tends to lose much of his bulk by the end of the season. Ty Wigginton still looks trimmer than he did last season. He didn't gain any weight after FanFest. During my first spring training with the team, I wrote about Mike Bordick taking over at shortstop while Cal Ripken moved to third base. Now I'm watching Bordick throw batting practice. Where have the years gone? Me: "Tell Chris to stop sleeping on the couch." Matusz: "I sleep on the couch all the time and I'm fine." Me: "I spent most of my marriage sleeping on the couch and I never had back trouble." So what's the deal with Tillman? I'm still collecting restaurant suggestions down here. I might finally make it to Pacific Rim tonight. I'm told the sushi and scenery are amazing.
A few post-workout notes
Roberts talks about his back

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