Millwood and Markakis

Kevin Millwood was the first Oriole on the field for the 9:15 a.m. pre-workout stretch, putting him at least 10 minutes ahead of everyone else. He's routinely the first player to arrive at each station. It hasn't gone unnoticed. "That's what a No. 1 guy does," manager Dave Trembley said. "Plus, he pitches his (butt) off every fifth day. He shows these guys what you're supposed to do. "I said, 'How are you doing?' And he said, 'I'm having a blast.' He's going to help us." None of the players who remain out of camp are expected to have visa issues. I guess that tradition stayed back in Fort Lauderdale. Nick Markakis reported yesterday, which is earlier than required. But it's not particularly early for him. "I'm actually kind of late this year. I usually get in a lot earlier than this," he said. Markakis hit off a tee this winter. Today was his first batting practice session, and it went much better than he anticipated. "I was very surprised compared to spring trainings in the past," he said. "I just didn't feel comfortable in the past. I don't know what it was this year, but I felt like I left off right where I was." The Orioles are holding open tryouts to choose a PA announcer for the exhibition games at Ed Smith Stadium. Each candidate is reciting the top four hitters in a mock lineup before concluding with Millwood. Don't read anything into it, but each lineup has Brian Roberts batting first, Adam Jones second, Markakis third and Miguel Tejada fourth.
Notes from today's workout
Life of Brian (Matusz)

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