More notes from today's workout

Manager Dave Trembley said he'll move around some players in Monday's intrasquad game. Robert Andino, for instance, is expected to shift over to second base. The regulars will play three innings and get an at-bat before substitutions are made. The game is open to the public for a small donation to the Sarasota Boys and Girls Club. It also will give us a chance to check out Ed Smith Stadium, since all of the workouts take place on the back fields. Here's a Trembley quote about Brian Roberts, who took ground balls at second base and did some running as teammates headed to the clubhouse for lunch: "B-Rob is stepping up the work in the cage and he's doing a great job with all the drills - playing catch, running the bases. We're going to take our time with the live hitting. He's been in the rotations off the live pitching like a lot of guys do. They don't swing, they just track. But he's been in the cage getting work in with Crow. I couldn't tell you when he's going to start hitting on the field. I can't tell you that." Roberts hasn't experienced any setbacks in his recovery from a herniated disk. "He's fine. He sure looks good to me out there." Chris Tillman is about eight pounds heavier than last season. And that's a good thing. "He looks stronger to me," Trembley said. "He looks a little bigger." Trembley spoke to Tillman toward the end of last season about the need to be more aggressive with his fastball and pitch down more. "Early in the game, he had to establish better rhythm and be more aggressive," Trembley said. "The first couple innings is when he seemed to be feeling for the strike zone and then he kind of got better. I think that goes with being a little more mature. "Before these guys pitch in the games, Kranny will go over with every pitcher what some goals are and what some expectations are."
Up and running again
One is the loneliest number

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