Nats Caravan: Drew Storen

The Winter Caravan kicked off Wednesday as the Nats greeted fans in Virginia. Nats Top 10 pick pitcher Drew Storen signed autographs and posed for photographs with fans at Hard Times café in Arlington, alongside pitcher Ryan Speier, shortstop Danny Espinosa and manager Jim Riggleman. I sat down with Storen and he talked about his upcoming first spring training with the Nats, the rookie education program he attended as the Nats representative, and what he's done since signing in June. He also revealed his expectations for spring training, thoughts on his Arizona Fall League experience and Mike Rizzo's acquisitions this offseason, as well as his take on getting to pitch to Pudge Rodriguez. And before finishing up, we even touched on his former baseball teammate at Stanford, running back Toby Gerhart's chances in the NFL Draft, his favorite NFL team and his pick for Super Bowl XLIV. I also have chats with Speier and Espinosa coming up later in the week. Enjoy! Audio: Byron Kerr talks with Drew Storen at the Winter Caravan
Balester feels like a "totally different pitcher"
Nats Caravan: Danny Espinosa

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