Reimold's in camp

Outfielders Nolan Reimold and Matt Angle have reported to camp. Reimold has run on a treadmill, but not outdoors, while recovering from Achilles surgery. "It feels good right now. When I walk around, I don't feel anything. We'll see how it feels when I'm running around for 10 hours a day," he said. "After a lot of running, it still gets a bit little sore, but it's obviously better than last year." When I asked Reimold if he has any concerns about being ready for Opening Day, he replied: "I'm convinced Opening Day is not a problem, especially with another month-and-a-half. I'll be good to go." Reimold doesn't know whether he'll be under any restrictions in camp. He'll find out more after talking to the training staff. "I'm going to go out and run around and stuff, do some strides or some sprints or something, and see how it is outside," he said. Reimold has hit off a tee, but this will be his first round of batting practice. Angle, who played at Ohio State, already has brought up Notre Dame football to manager Dave Trembley. Tough crowd.
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