Roberts, Jones and Millwood

The Orioles still expect Brian Roberts to be a full-go when he reports to camp. They haven't received any reports to the contrary. Manager Dave Trembley was asked whether Adam Jones might have gotten a little ahead of himself at one point last season (I know the guy's fast, but I didn't think he was that fast.) "I think he probably wanted to do a little bit too much too soon. I think he got out of his lane a little bit because he wants to do so well," Trembley replied. "We have to remind him that the home runs are going to come, the power's going to come, all that stuff's going to come. I don't think Adam ever does anything that could be misrepresented as nothing more than he tries so hard and he cares. He cares." It's no accident that the Orioles placed Kevin Millwood's locker between Chris Tillman and Brian Matusz. And that he only has to lean a little to his right to find Brad Bergesen. Millwood is supposed to be the leader of this young staff, and he's been placed in a position to begin the process. "It's the subtle things and you guys picked up on it - where we put him in the locker room, who he's next to, what group he's in during the fundamentals, what group he's in running. That's all been done intentionally. And Millwood welcomes all of that," Trembley said. "Millwood will be the leader of the pitching staff here. Not to say other guys won't, but that's one of the reasons why we got him. "There's something to be said for setting the tone, and hopefully there will be other guys who will follow suit because it can be contagious. 'This is how you do it, now it's my turn, now it's the next guy's turn.' All the good teams seem to have that in order and make everybody better." Millwood can get his message across by saying very little. "The results aren't always in words as they are in actions," pitching coach Rick Kranitz said. "He's always the first one doing something. Always. Whether it's the first one in the clubhouse or the first one in drills. He's always there. Let the young guys see that and follow. "It's hard for him because he doesn't know the guys yet, but he's going to get to know them and know the personalities. The players aren't ready to go to him and say, 'Hey, how do you do this and how do you do that?' But there will be a time when he throws that cut fastball and all of a sudden guys are like, 'What? Talk about it.' That's how guys learn. There are different ways to do things. "I'm very pleased that he's leading by example because the work ethic the first couple of days has been outstanding. You couldn't ask for anything more. And I assume the other part will come as he gets more comfortable. "They just need to talk the game, talk baseball. That, to me, is probably what has eroded from the game today - the old-time, let's talk baseball during the game, because there are young guys who watch the game and don't know what they're looking at."
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