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I've been dealing with laptop issues on and off since yesterday afternoon and the wireless wasn't working in the media trailer this morning. The blogging gods are conspiring against me. But we're back up and ready to roll. The clubhouse closed to the media 15 minutes early because the players have a nutrition meeting. Unlike previous years at Fort Lauderdale Stadium, the club didn't leave a box of donuts sitting on a table. Chris Tillman is still scheduled to throw live batting practice today. The cold weather isn't a deterrent. And make no mistake, it's cold down here. We're not dealing with snow, but it's supposed to drop into the 30s at night. That's certainly not the norm. Dennis Sarfate has been impressive in his bullpen sessions, but that's only part of the story. "And most important, I'm 100 percent healthy," he said. "From last year to this year is like night and day. The way the ball's coming out of my hand, it's obvious that I'm healthy. I've just got to keep doing what I'm doing and things will work out. "I'm not looking over my shoulder. This is the first time that I'm really having fun, and I know it's because I'm healthy."
Quick Bergesen Update
Snyder's schedule

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