We can work it out

My laptop issues have gotten a lot worse. I'm ready to pull a sheet over its head. I'm emailing this entry to the MASN WebStudio via my BlackBerry. I can't get to your comments, so someone else will have to move them. Hold those questions. Chris Tillman threw live batting practice earlier today. "He's ready to go," pitching coach Rick Kranitz said. Tillman could pitch in Monday's intrasquad game. Reliever Jim Johnson is expected to pitch in that game. Otherwise, it will mostly be minor leaguers who take the mound. Nolan Reimold just ended the last BP session with a monstrous shot off bench coach Jeff Datz. "Game over," someone yelled. Kevin Millwood doesn't use the protective screen when he throws BP. Neither did Jamie Walker, and you might remember what happened to him one spring. My head still hurts from watching it. Millwood kept bouncing his curveball. Miguel Tejada fielded a grounder at third and fired home during one drill. The ball sailed past catcher Chad Moeller and almost wiped out a couple of instructors and teammates standing against the fence. E-5.
Snyder's schedule
Up and running again

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