Danny Espinosa's post-baseball career is in marketing

When Danny Espinosa's playing career is over, the rookie second baseman has a bright future as a marketing executive to look forward to. On the heels of today's 5.9 magnitude East Coast earthquake, Espinosa sent out the following tweet, figuring there might be a few workers sent home earlier than anticipated as a result of the temblor: "If you get out of work early today because of the quake, come to the Nats game tonight!!!" The tweet came after Espinosa turned to the social media platform earlier today to give away tickets to tonight's Nationals game against the Arizona Diamondbacks. Espinosa took four tickets to the Baja Fresh on Clarendon Boulevard, inviting fans to meet him there to claim the ducats. Follow Espinosa at @DannyEspinosa18
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