Dueling no-hitters (updated)

Nationals starter Luis Atilano has retired the first nine batters he's faced, striking out three along the way. Orioles starter Jeremy Guthrie hasn't allowed a hit in three innings, but he's walked three batters. Two of those walks came in the second, but were sandwiched around a double play. Guthrie threw eight pitches in the first, but his count is up to 52 heading into the fourth. Guthrie has lost five straight starts, but he's gone at least six innings in 10 consecutive outings and 14 of 15. He isn't burning out the bullpen. He just isn't winning. You would think a 4.28 ERA would produce a better record than 3-9. The Orioles have scored 12 runs in his last five starts. Update: Guthrie walked Ryan Zimmerman to open the fourth, and the Nats moved ahead,1-0, when Adam Jones misplayed Josh Willingham's liner into a triple. Jones took a few steps in before retreating and making a futile dive for the ball. A gift triple. Roger Bernadina followed with a home run to left field, giving Washington a 3-0 lead. So much for dueling no-hitters.
The latest deficit vanishes (w/farm update)
Samuel on Atkins getting designated for assignment

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