Dunn knew Feliciano would not give him much to hit

Down 10-1, the Nats battled back to get within 10-6 and the bases loaded in the 8th. There were two outs for slugger Adam Dunn. 23,612 at Nats Park knew this was the best chance the Nats were going to have to save a miserable night in the field. But Mets reliever Pedro Feliciano did not give Dunn the opportunity to beat him. Dunn flew out to Jason Bay to end the threat. The Mets won the game 10-7. "I have faced Feliciano a lot of times. He is a tough guy to not only get a hit off of but I was trying to tie the ball game. I didn't get the pitches to do it." I know what I am going against. I have faced him a lot of times and I know he is not going to let me beat him. He threw me three great pitches and got me to fly out. So, is there any solace in cutting the deficit down to four runs and having that chance to tie it in the late going? Dunn says no way. "I don't think you take anything from that game. It was a just a bad played game from top to bottom. We are there to play nine innings, whether we win or lose, so that part doesn't matter." So what was the reason for the uneven play from the Nats, the errors, miss throws and base running mistakes? "I don't know. I just know our focus probably wasn't there and we didn't play as good as we are capable." Willie Harris finished with 3 RBI and reflected on Dunn's at bat with the bases loaded in the 8th: "We had our shot right there. We definitely had the right guy at the plate. He is our guy, him and Zimm, those are our big guys. We had a chance right there. Unfortunately, we couldn't get the big hit. I am pretty sure Adam Dunn was giving his all right there in that situation. He will come through in another situation when it comes again." Manager Jim Riggleman said even with the potential for a game-tying grand slam from Dunn, the Nats just did not play good baseball this night. "The same issues have to be addressed if you tie the game up there with Adam and maybe win it later. I love this ball club. We play hard. But when we don't play smart that has to be addressed."
That's Scott as in hot (bat)
Matusz and O's rocked at Texas

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