Gonzalez hurt?

Reliever Mike Gonzalez notified manager Dave Trembley last night that he wasn't available to pitch because he couldn't get his shoulder loose in the bullpen. Mike-Gonzalez_Pitching-Tall.jpg A team physician will examine Gonzalez today. "He told me that he wasn't feeling comfortable getting loose last night," Trembley said. "Obviously, there were a couple situations last night where I would have loved to bring him in." Trembley is waiting to receive an update from head athletic trainer Richie Bancells, but he doesn't expect to use Gonzalez today. Gonzalez was given heat and ice treatments for his shoulder this morning. He bristled in spring training when asked about the condition of his shoulder, insisting that he was healthy and simply preparing for the season at his usual pace. The noticeable drop in his velocity raised more than a few eyebrows. Ah, the intrigue. Gonzalez told a small group of reporters that he planned to meet with Trembley before batting practice to discuss his role with the team, never mentioning the shoulder. It came as news to Trembley when I asked him about the meeting during our pre-game session in the dugout.
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From bad to worse

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