July's 'Where in the Yard?' Winner

I had an idea who this month's winner might be before I even finished tallying up the points. He was so often first to the table and flush with bonus trivia, with a photo or two posted to the MASNsports.com Facebook page thrown in there as well. MLB-Gift-Card.jpg During the month of July, Chris in Baltimore racked up four points for a correct answer every week and a heavy handful of bonus points for his extra efforts during this month's 'Where in the Yard?' photo contest here in the O's Buzz. Charles B from SP, Zevi L, Scotty B, Wes in York, Avi M, and Lauren were all pretty high in the running, but Chis takes home this month's MLB gift card. I still see a lot of familiar names each week, and it's been a pleasant surprise to have a new and different winner each time around. Which of you O's fans will take the lead in August? If you haven't taken home the prize just yet, keep coming back every Monday to submit your guesses because you could be next. In the meantime, Congrats to Chris and Go O's!
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