Justin time

Justin Turner and his Norfolk teammates were watching the Orioles' home opener on a clubhouse television when Brian Roberts left the game with a strained abdominal muscle. Justin-Turner_Home-Tall-Cropped.jpgTurner knew about the injury. He just wasn't sure how it would impact him. It wasn't until yesterday morning that Turner found out about his promotion to Baltimore, the news coming in a meeting with Tides manager Gary Allenson about an hour before their game. "I knew Brian was hurt but I didn't know what was going to happen," Turner said. "I didn't know if I was going to come up or someone else. Once they put him on the DL, that's when I found out." Turner actually got the news a day before the Orioles announced the move. They had to make certain that he arrived here safely. Turner met briefly with Orioles manager Dave Trembley before returning to his locker and talking to reporters. "I just went in and said hi. He didn't really tell me much. We went over signs and stuff. He didn't really say anything about playing time or anything like that," Turner said. "I'm just here to help the team win, whether it's role playing, pinch-running, whatever they ask me to do. Hopefully get in there and make the most of my opportunities and help the Orioles get some Ws." Turner was hoping for a promotion this summer. He never expected to be here one week into the season. "It's nice," he said. "I had just gotten unpacked in my apartment in Norfolk. Then I had to pack it all back up and head out. So it's always nice to be up here."
Updating Roberts
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