Luke Scott's spot in the order

As expected, Luke Scott is batting fifth tonight against Tampa Bay right-hander James Shields. The lowest that he figured to drop was sixth behind catcher Matt Wieters, but fifth seemed to be his most likely destination. Luke-Scott_Home-Batting-Tall.jpg I had an interesting conversation with Scott earlier this spring - and most of them are interesting because the talk often shifts away from baseball - about his placement in the lineup. He actually suggested that he would make an ideal No. 2 hitter. Scott has accumulated only six at-bats in that spot, collecting a hit and an RBI, but also striking out five times. It's an extremely small sample size. Scott recalled a season in the minors when he was scuffling at the plate and his manager, Jackie Moore, moved him up to second in the order. His bat instantly heated up. Given the choice, Scott would rather hit second. I would have guessed third or fourth, which prevents me from advancing to the bonus round. Scott also told me that once you cook chicken, you need to eat it within a few days or it will lose much of its nutritional value in the fridge. Good to know. As long as we're on the topic of food, Jeremy Guthrie uses Montreal Steak Seasoning on his grilled chicken, and it's delicious (he was nice enough to share his lunch with me on Sunday). I keep a small jar of it at my house, but I've only used it on steaks because, well, it's called Montreal Steak Seasoning. Guthrie says it's also good on pizza. Just letting you know.
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