My to-do list

While prepping for tonight's MASN broadcast, I'll also need to check on left fielder Felix Pie and find out whether he's close to getting back in the lineup. We haven't seen one posted up here in the press box, so I'll have to wait until the clubhouse opens to the media at 3:40 p.m. If Pie isn't in left tonight, and it would be a shocker if his shoulder allowed it, Nolan Reimold or Luke Scott figure to take his place. Reimold couldn't get to two balls in the gap last night, but I doubt that I would have been marking a 7 on my scorecard if Scott had started. We'll never know, of course, but it strikes me as odd to assume that Scott makes those plays. I'll also check on reliever Jim Johnson, who came down with a sore elbow yesterday and wasn't available to pitch. The Orioles might need their set-up man in the eighth inning tonight. The bullpen's already missing Koji Uehara, and Will Ohman doesn't figure to be available tonight after appearing in the first two games. We know what happened to Mike Gonzalez in the opener. The less added drama in the 'pen, the better.
Orioles lineup
All the minor league rotations are set

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