Nationals seek candidates to run as Racing Presidents

It's been said that any youngster here in this land of opportunity can grow up to become president. But only at Nationals Park can someone don one of the faces seen on Mount Rushmore, lace up running shoes and become a Racing President.

The Nationals are looking for people with the right combination of show-biz personality, athleticism and political ambition (of a sort) to take on the personae of George, Tom, Abe and Teddy during home games in the coming season. The club's entertainment department will hold tryouts for those seeking to wear the outsized presidential heads and run around the Nats Park warning track to amuse fans between innings.

Nationals-Nats-Presidents-Race.jpgEssential requirements for the job include availability to perform in at least 40 percent of Nationals home games and the ability to run about 200 yards in a 50-pound suit that is between 5 feet, 7 inches and 6 feet, 6 inches tall.

Candidates must apply by Wednesday, Dec. 11 through Tryouts are by invitation only and will not be open to the general public.

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