Nationals to host 2018 Racing Presidents audition

You love them. You recognize them around town. You have your favorite (George for this particular blogger). And you cheer for them during every fourth inning of a Nationals home game. And now, you can be one of them.

That's right, the Nationals are hosting auditions for the 2018 Racing Presidents, meaning you can be the next George, Tom, Abe or Teddy!

Those who wish to fill the running shoes of the Racing Presidents during this upcoming season will have a chance to "run for office" during the annual Racing Presidents audition on Sunday, Jan. 14 at the Washington Nationals Youth Baseball Academy from 9-11 a.m.

Nationals-Nats-Presidents-Race.jpgSelected candidates will be invited to the Youth Baseball Academy to perform a freestyle dance, run a 40-yard dash and participate in two races from center field to first base, all in costume. In addition, each applicant will be required to answer questions from a panel of Nationals entertainment staff members, so be sure to study.

You still have time to apply for the 2018 season online here. But don't wait, this job posting will close on Wednesday, Jan. 10.

Only the lucky candidates who have been selected to participate after submitting their application online will be allowed to participate in Sunday's audition, because the tryout is by invitation only and not open to the public. So be sure to get those applications in fast!

For the 2017 season, the Nationals returned to the original four presidents found on Mount Rushmore, retiring William Howard Taft, Calvin Coolidge and Herbert Hoover from previous seasons. According to the "Let Teddy Win!" blog, Tom won last year's regular season races with 29 first-place finishes. George finished second in the regular season with 26, but won all three postseason races to tie Tom in the final standings. Abe won 25, Screech won once and Teddy, for the first time since 2011, went winless.

Developed in 2006, the award-winning Racing Presidents are 12-foot oversized mascots who compete in the GEICO Presidents Race during the fourth inning of every Nationals home game. The popular figures can be seen promoting the team and its community efforts at Nationals Park and around the D.C., Maryland and Virginia region. For more information on the Racing Presidents, visit

Good luck to all applicants and to those selected for the tryout. Just remember, you can't be as bad as Dan Kolko ... right?

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