Not getting Miggy with it

I'll be heading to Ocean Pines later today with my daughter, who retains complete control of the radio, to spend the weekend with my parents, sister and niece. I barely moved from my couch yesterday while going 1-2 picking against the spread. I guess somebody woke up the Broncos. Just my luck. I allowed my daughter to accept an invitation to spend Thanksgiving with her best friend's family. The kid suffers enough from my cooking. I figured that she deserved a break. And I knew she'd have a lot of fun over there, so we'll celebrate the holiday a day late. She did surprise me around 4 p.m. by delivering a plate filled with turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, corn, mac and cheese, green beans, sauerkraut, yams and two rolls. Pretty much emptied the kitchen. The gesture really warmed my heart - and filled my stomach. That plate was empty at 4:10 p.m. I was drooling on my pillow at 4:15 p.m. It may not have been a traditional Thanksgiving moment between a father and daughter, but it's one I'll never forget. I wish that I had some Orioles leftovers to serve today, but my notebook is pretty empty. It's slow around here. You can check out more from Steve Melewski's interview with Orioles president of baseball operations Andy MacPhail. I read Buster Olney's blog entry from his interview earlier this week with MacPhail. Olney mentions that the Orioles haven't burned any bridges with Miguel Tejada and would be open, theoretically, to bringing him back to Baltimore. And that Tejada could, theoretically, be a fit at third base. Olney also points out that Tejada wants to stay in Houston, and the Astros would like to keep him at a reduced salary. Count on that scenario playing out long before Tejada holds up an Orioles jersey at a press conference this winter. Tejada has never played third base. The Orioles aren't expected to trade for the Marlins' Dan Uggla because they don't know whether he can make the switch from second to third. I doubt that they'd take a similar gamble with Tejada, who also brings some baggage that is better left outside of Camden Yards. Tejada was a historic free-agent signing for the Orioles. Executives Jim Beattie and Mike Flanagan wore smiles that stretched from ear to ear as the six-year, $72 million deal was announced at the winter meetings. But I will be floored if he winds up back here. As I've written so many times, that ship has sailed. When Tejada reported to spring training in 2004, he exclaimed that the losing had ended. "We're going to be a winning team," he said, as reporters crowded around him in the dugout and hung on his every word. "We're not a losing team no more. I'm going to be playing in the postseason in Baltimore pretty soon." I wonder how he did picking against the spread yesterday.
Many thanks
Kids in the Hall

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