Pie hurting again (w/quotes added)

Felix Pie might not be in the lineup for the rest of this series because of soreness in his left shoulder. Pie felt the discomfort, which first surfaced in spring training, while making a throw to the plate during last night's 4-3 loss. He stayed in the game, but has been told to rest tonight and perhaps play catch tomorrow. "My shoulder's bothering me a little bit, so they're giving me off to see what happens tomorrow and see if I feel much better," he said. "I hope it's not too much like I did to it in spring training, but with a couple days off I think I'll be OK." Pie consulted with head athletic trainer Richie Bancells after last night's game. He feels some pain in the shoulder when he throws, and a little bit when he does "the other stuff." "It's disappointing for me a little bit, but I want to be ready," he said. "It's better that it happens now than later in the season." Nolan Reimold thought he would serve as the designated hitter tomorrow night to avoid playing on the turf. Instead, he's starting in left tonight and could return to the outfield tomorrow. "I ran on it. I'm sure I'll be fine," said Reimold, who didn't know he'd be starting in left until arriving in the clubhouse this afternoon and checking the lineup card. "Who knows if it'll be a little more sore the next day, but who cares about that?" Reimold watched the opener from the dugout. It wasn't a comfortable seat. "As a competitor, you definitely want to be out there, but it was a well-played game and we just came up a little short," he said. Asked to put a percentage on his health, Reimold said, "It's up and down. I'm definitely able to play. How much they want to rest it, I'm sure they'll play it day by day with that. "It feels a lot better than it did at the beginning of spring training. That was the first time I had been outside. It definitely feels a lot better since then. If I keep improving like that, I'll be fine."
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