Quick injury updates

Reliever Jim Johnson threw in the bullpen today and pronounced himself ready to pitch. "Everything went fine," he said."My arm feels good. I'll be in there." Johnson had some swelling in his right elbow caused by a slight muscle strain. "It's something I haven't really had before," he said. "It's just muscular, nothing with a ligament. The meds and ice worked. Pretty much Advil and ice. So we're good." Outfielder Felix Pie will attempt to throw today and is available to pinch-run again. Pie said his left shoulder feels "much better," but he might need one more day off before returning to the lineup. Here's Tampa Bay's lineup: Bartlett SS Crawford LF Zobrist 2B Longoria 3B Pena 1B Upton CF Burrell DH Kapler RF Shoppach C Niemann RHP
It's go time for the offense
Orioles lineup

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