Scoreless first for Millwood

It's that time again when I remind everyone how Kevin Millwood usually gives up runs in the first inning. He didn't run into the run problem in his last start, blanking the Angels on six hits over eight innings, and he stranded Carl Crawford on third base and Evan Longoria on first tonight. Millwood retired Carlos Pena on a popup to shortstop Cesar Izturis, leaving his first-inning run total this season at 38. This is only the fifth time in his last 18 starts that Millwood didn't allow at least one run in the opening frame. Take it as a good sign. Rays leadoff hitter John Jaso began the game by popping up to Josh Bell, who immediately chucked the ball into the stands and ran off the field. Not really. I'm just bored right now. Hang with me. Matt Garza hasn't planted a fastball in anyone's back, so we're off to a calm start. His hair might be on fire, but who can tell with that cap on his head?
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