Taking a quick lead (w/note added)

The Orioles scored twice in the top of the first inning, parlaying two singles, a walk and a Tampa Bay error into a 2-0 lead. Miguel Tejada had an RBI single, but most interesting to me was the infield shift against catcher Matt Wieters that almost produced the final out. Second baseman Reid Brignac moves to shallow right field and shortstop Jason Bartlett circles around second base, but third baseman Evan Longoria only takes a few steps toward shortstop. Wieters hit a sharp grounder directly at Brignac, who was positioned perfectly, but first baseman Carlos Pena missed the throw. Nick Markakis raced home on the play. The Orioles worked Tampa Bay starter Matt Garza for 25 pitches. Jeremy Guthrie needed only nine to dispose of the Rays in order. Manager Dave Trembley discussed the importance of getting Guthrie through the first inning. MIssion accomplished. Updated shameless plug alert: I'm scheduled to do my in-game hit with MASN's Amber Theoharis in the bottom of the seventh. Note: Paul Blair will present Adam Jones with the center fielder's Gold Glove on Friday.
Minor League affiliates begin play Thursday
Revisiting the Atkins play

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