Taking the heat

Two players stood at their lockers as reporters were allowed inside the clubhouse: Will Ohman and Mike Gonzalez. Gonzalez, wearing an ice pack on his left shoulder, didn't hide in the trainers room or the players lounge. He knew that the media wanted him and he took the heat. "I felt really good. I felt the best I felt all spring. Just didn't go my way," he said. "My stuff was good, arm action was good. Just missed a couple pitches, left a couple pitches up. You got bases loaded, you've got to throw strikes. C.C. (Carl Crawford) was right on a fastball and that's what he got. That's just how it rolled today. "Seriously, I'm disgusted by the whole thing. You see (Kevin) Millwood go out there and pitch a gem. The bullpen did awesome, they did great, they did what they had to do, they grinded. Our offense did what they were doing all last year. They're going to get their runs, and I've got to come in and shut the door. "I've got no excuses about that. I didn't get it done and it's one of those things where, as soon as I leave this locker room, I'm forgetting about it. Tomorrow's another day and I've got to come in and get it done then." Gonzalez said he was "charged up" because it was the opener. "If anyone tells you they're not charged up, they're lying to you," he said. "I was pumped up. Like I said, my arm felt really good. In fact, I felt surprisingly really good. I've just got to tone it down a little bit. That means getting the ball down a little more. Those pitches up, they took advantage of them. They executed the pitches and that's how it went."
Where there's a Will...
Post-game notes: Coming up short vs. Tampa

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