The perfect present

Happy Birthday, David Hernandez. And what better way to celebrate your 25th than having manager Dave Trembley tell reporters this morning that the organization hasn't discussed replacing you in the rotation. Hernandez's 11 consecutive losses are two shy of Mike Boddicker's club record. He was charged with five runs (four earned) and five hits in 5 2/3 innings, with four walks, four strikeouts and two wild pitches, in Tuesday's start against the Mariners. Trembley mentioned how Hernandez is usually undone by one bad inning, often times after getting the first two outs. "He's pitched very well," Trembley said, "but he's going to have to go to the next level." At least for now, he won't be moving down one. "As far as a discussion to replace him, we have not had that," Trembley said. On a separate note, Dr. James Andrews will examine reliever Jim Johnson's right elbow today in Birmingham, Ala. Johnson has been diagnosed with a strained ligament. The Orioles are hoping that Andrews says the same thing. Also, Brad Bergesen split a nail on his pitching hand during last night's start, but he didn't let it affect his performance. He's received treatment on the finger and hopes to make his next bullpen session. No need to bother Dr. Andrews with this one.
Give Griffin some credit for Bergesen's turnaround
Playing for a Ty

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