Trying times for Rhyne

When I posted earlier that Rhyne Hughes hit outdoors before batting practice, you probably thought, "Good idea." Hughes isn't in the lineup tonight against a right-hander, which tells you how much he's struggling. He's 5-for-31 with one RBI and 14 strikeouts in his last 10 games, lowering his average to .213 after a scorching start with the Orioles. Welcome to The Show. What is manager Dave Trembley seeing from Hughes? "Swinging and missing too much," he replied. Fortunately, he expanded on that thought. "Mechanically, he's drifting, he's underneath the ball. He's caught in between. He's taking the good ones and swinging at the bad ones. "I know what the numbers are the last 10 games or so. We're going to try to work him through it as best we can and see if we can get him back to where he was when he first got here."
A Matusz matter
Two injury updates

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