What do you most want to hear from Dusty Baker?

VIERA, Fla. - It's another glorious spring morning here on the Space Coast - I'll try to stop making a big deal about that soon, promise - where Nationals pitchers and catchers today are undergoing their annual physicals, the final step before official workouts begin Saturday.

Reporting day came and went, and as often is the case, it was quite uneventful. A few guys worked out on their own with members of the coaching staff. A few more strolled through the clubhouse at one point or another. A lot were never seen, at least by reporters during the time we were allowed in there.

(A cautionary note: That doesn't mean all those players didn't report on time. To officially report, you don't have to physically show up to the ballpark. You can simply let the club know you have arrived in town, or even are about to arrive in town. So don't make anything of the fact were neither saw nor heard Jonathan Papelbon on Thursday.)

Baker-Presser-Smile-Sidebar.jpgPerhaps the most notable event on the docket today - unless Papelbon speaks - is Dusty Baker's first media session of the spring. The 66-year-old manager, hired by the Nationals in November after two seasons out of the dugout, should have plenty to say about his new ballclub.

Personally, I'm interested to hear what Baker thinks about lineup construction, what he thinks about the back end of his starting rotation and whether there's any competition there and how he envisions stacking up his bullpen. I also want to know what kind of camp he expects to run and how this will be any different (if at all) from other camps he ran with the Giants, Cubs and Reds, or from previous Nats spring trainings.

That's what I'm interested in, but I'm also interested to learn what you're interested in hearing from the new manager. If you had the opportunity to attend today's media session, what would you ask Baker? I can't promise you I'll pass along all of your suggestions, but I am quite curious to know what matters you find most pressing. And hopefully I'll be able to bring at least some of those subjects up with him later today.

Out of the Park: Pitchers and catchers report to s...
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