Nats Buzz Winners for the First Half

With the All-Star break bringing our first half of the season to a close, Nats Buzz tallied up the totals for both the Where at Nats Park contest and Fantasy Baseball. And now, we have two winners to congratulate. Shoshana and Terp4Life, your prize packs will be on their way out shortly. Please send your mailing address to me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Shoshana crushed the competition in Where at Nats Park. She scored 10 points so far this season. NatsFan1a and Cheryl were close behind. Good work! In the Nats Buzz Fantasy Baseball competition, Terp4Life snuck past GoNatsGo by only 4 points! That's a true photo finish. Be sure to congratulate both of our winners. Suggestions? In the second half of the season, do you want to try something new? Do you have any ideas that you'd like me to investigate? I'm all ears. I feel like we've run the course with Nats Park photos, but I'm happy to keep going. Feel free to discuss this below. Your participation makes these contests work, so your opinions matter moving forward. Thanks in advance for sharing your feedback!

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