Adam Jones on Jarrod Dyson: "He doesn't speak for this clubhouse"

KANSAS CITY - He doesn't play for the Orioles, but Jarrod Dyson's name certainly came up a lot in their clubhouse this afternoon during the 45-minute media availability before their workout at Kauffman Stadium.

Dyson was asked last night by a Kansas City writer whether he expected to return to Baltimore for Game 6 of the American League Championship Series.

"No sir, I don't," he said. "And I don't think they think that, either."

I asked Adam Jones his reaction to Dyson's comments.

jones-cruz-very-happy-white-sidebar.jpg"He doesn't speak for this clubhouse," Jones said. "I could say a lot of things about that, but it's not the time or place. We have a deficit to overcome. Obviously they are up 2-0. They should have all the confidence in the world."

A national reporter asked Zach Britton for his take.

"I don't put a whole lot into what (Dyson) has to say. We're just concerned about what we have to do. That is play the game tomorrow, get a win and play some good baseball," Britton said.

Nelson Cruz smiled and laughed when he was asked about Dyson.

"I don't know. I believe that we'll come back. What is important is what we believe here; it doesn't matter what people think outside this door. People are going to talk. We won't worry about that. We worry about what we think and do here," he said.

"There should be reason to be concerned, yes, but I don't think there's reason to be worried about this. The main thing for us is take all the positive things we did the first two games and bring it for the third one."

Cruz said the Orioles have been relaxed and there is no panic in the clubhouse over their two games to none deficit to the Royals.

"We won one of the toughest divisions in baseball," Cruz said. We won it because we played good baseball. They've played better than us and got the clutch hit late in the game. But it's nothing that we cannot do also. Tomorrow it's going to be different."

Britton was asked about the O's morale on the team plane flying here last night down 0-2 in the series.

"We didn't talk about it at all," he said. "Everyone was having fun on the plane. We had our families on the plane. It's not panic in here, I know that might be hard to believe. We've played so many games this year and been in tough situations before.

"We understand, yeah, you lost two games, but baseball is a funny game. You can come out tomorrow, win a game and things can escalate from there.

"No one is panicking. We're just having fun. That is the biggest thing. It's a fun stage to be on this time of year. The pressure is not more than a regular season game, it's just all you guys are here now and there are more people covering us because there are only four teams left. But the games are the same."

Britton was asked where the O's get that attitude from.

"Our manager, our coaching staff. Buck (Showalter) never panics," he said.

Jones was asked if he would call a team meeting before Game 3.

"I'm not going to give the team a speech, no. We know what we're doing. We're not little kids who need to sit around in a circle and play duck, duck, goose. We are going to approach the game as we have every game all season and do what we do best," he said.

Hearing from Chen, Showalter, Gonzalez and Hundley...
Hundley: "There's no panic in here"

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