An Exclusive One-on-One with Showalter

Following his press conference at Camden Yards today, Showalter made his way down to the WebStudio for an exclusive one-on-one sit down where I got the chance to talk with him further about the new job before him. Watch the video of our interview below for even more insight from Showalter as he takes the reins in Baltimore, followed by my impressions from the press conference:

Sitting in the sixth-floor room at Camden Yards watching today's press conference to introduce new manager Buck Showalter, it appeared that Andy MacPhail and Showalter had worked together before. Even though they haven't. It seems after whatever discussions they have had over the past few weeks, today the two men were very much on the same page and this relationship is off to a good start. One of Showalter's first comments was that a common denominator for any good baseball team seems to be a good relationship between manager and GM and everyone will be watching to see how their relationship evolves as they try to make the Orioles better. Showalter has a reputation for working well with young players. That may be his biggest job here. Can he reverse the regression of some of the young, core talent on this team? He said he would let the young players know what is expected of them and be sincere and trusting with them. He likes the club's "flexibility" which meant basically there are not too many players under contract beyond this year and there is plenty of room for changes and additions to the 2011 squad. Andy MacPhail talked about the young players taking a step back and he also said the players have not been exposed to a "winning environment" and that is one reason he insisted on a manager with Major League experience, even though he knew that eliminated some talented people from the process. Fans will be pleased that Showalter said he would become a part of the community and that he will make Baltimore his permanent home. Most were probably impressed that Showalter wants to wear number 26 to honor the late Johnny Oates, someone he played for in the minors and someone that he said meant a lot to him. Today was the easy part for MacPhail and Showalter, talking about their plans and hopes for this club. The tough part begins tomorrow as Showalter inherits a club that is 3-14 since the All-Star break. No one should expect miracles or an instant turnaround. For now a team that plays hard every day, every play would be nice. Some say the O's clubhouse has become a place too comfortable for the players and losing has become acceptable. All that needs to end, but you can write and talk about it all you want. Beginning tomorrow, Buck Showalter gets his chance to do something about it.
Quotes from the press conference
A few notes from Showalter's press conference

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