Big play on defense

Ty Wigginton and Matt Wieters combined on a good defensive play in the top of the seventh tonight to keep the game with the White Sox tied, 1-1. After a triple, Mark Kotsay was on third with one out. The infield came in and Alexei Ramirez hit a slow roller up the first base line. Wigginton charged and made a bare-handed pickup. His throw to home was in time to get Kotsay and Wieters did a nice job blocking the plate. Wigginton's throw was also to the third base side of home which made Wieters degree of difficulty lessen as he could make a catch and snap down a tag and he did. As I type this, the O's just made another good play as Nick Markakis ran down A.J. Pierzynski's drive near the wall with a man on second to end the frame. If the O's go 2-2 in this series, that would probably be a good series since the Sox come in with such a hot club. They are 9-2 over the last 11 and 38-13 over their past 51 games. That is the best mark in the Majors since June 9th. By the way, Buck Showalter is 14-14 all time managing vs. Ozzie Guillen, all when he was with Texas.
The Orioles: A glove story (updated)
In-game update

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