It's official: Scott's sizzling (updated)

Luke Scott is 2-for-2 with an RBI that gave the Orioles a 2-1 lead in the third inning. We don't know how long this is going to last, so enjoy it while you can. Break out the cell phone and take some pics. Scott bailed out Adam Jones, who inexplicably held at third base on Nick Markakis' grounder to first. The Indians were playing back and conceding the run. Corey Patterson also has two hits tonight to go with a leaping catch at the fence. Instant update: Make that three hits. I would say that it's like he never left, but I don't remember Patterson being quite this good. He actually put up some decent numbers in 2006, but he's really made an impression in his second stop here. And like Scott's hot streak, we don't know how long it's going to last. Just enjoy it. Indians starter Justin Masterson has hit two batters tonight. Yankees manager Joe Girardi is preparing to rip him later tonight.
Jeremy Guthrie: Comeback Pitcher of the Night
Corey's catch (with updates)

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