Jones homer notes

Adam Jones hit his daily homer today in the last of the fourth. Okay, he hasn't hit one every day, it just seems that way lately. He hit a 1-2 pitch out to left center to give the O's their first run of the game. His blast traveled 382 feet. Jones has now hit three homers over his last four games, four in seven games and five over the last 10 contests. Jones homers, 2010 season: April & May: 5 HR in 207 at bats June: 7 in 87 at bats Of his 12 homers on the year, four have been hit at Camden Yards, nine vs. right-handed pitching and seven have been solo shots. The comeback is on again: The Orioles just scored four runs in the last of 5th to tie this game at 5-5 after they fell behind 5-0. Matt Wieters came up with a very clutch, two-out, two-run single to tie it. Wieters now has 8 RBI over his last five games.
Storming back again (updated)
Mr. Jones and me

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