Luke Scott said.......

He was, of course, pleased that he got his contract resolved recently and is able to avoid an arbitration hearing. "My approach has always been simple. I don't need to be wined and dined that not's me. I just want what is fair. I've had people try to walk over me in this life and I won't let that happen. They were fair with me and I'm happy and ready to have the best season of my life." Scott talked about his improved stats last year vs. lefty pitching. "The key is repetition. Consistent repetition. You can't do well without it. I proved early in my career with the Astros that I could hit left handed pitching. Somewhere along the line it got labeled that I couldn't hit lefties." Scott said he would try not to be so hard on himself this year and feels that has led to some of his streakiness at bat. "Sometimes we are our own worst enemy. I have a tendency to overanlyze things. It's a problem, but easier said that done."
A few tidbits as FanFest arrives
Roberts talks about Tejada

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