Luke Scott talks about his homer potential

Earlier today in this space, I posted an article about Luke Scott's homer potential. He hit 27 homers this year and that ranked 14th best in the AL. But he was 6th in the AL in at bats per each home run. Scott is a player that has never gotten over 475 at bats in a single season. This year he had 447. With more at bats, could 35 to 40 homers be in reach for Scott? He wonders that as well. "The last three years, look at the power numbers. I hit 23, 25 and 27 homers in under 500 at bats. Most starters get around 650, so put another 180 to 200 under my belt and what could happen? "No one knows for sure. You can assume and you can project, but it hasn't happened yet. For the time that has been given me, I've been very productive and do provide a power threat in the lineup. "But a lineup works like this. Everyone has to protect each other. If you want to get the most out of your lineup, think of it as an engine. You have eight cylinders and to run all eight, we have to protect each other as a group. If they pitch around Wiggy, I have to make them pay." As of the season's final weekend, Scott said he had not talked to Buck Showalter about getting more at bats next season. But he is hopeful that is exactly what happens. "I have not sat down and had that conversation with him, but that's something that has been on my mind for my entire career. I really want to see what can happen, what would happen with 650 plate appearances and 150 or more games. "I've gotten some good playing time, but if you did tack on another 180-200 at bats, throw in a hot streak there, we might be sitting on a nice little 40-piece going. That would be something special. The capability is there. "Since I started my career, I've been very serious about investing in my body and myself. People don't know this about me, but I have people on payroll that are specialists in their fields. "I've got a guy who they say is the Tiger Woods of physical therapy in the United States. I have him on payroll. His name is John Carey and he works my body over, head to toe, joint mobilization. "If you put me on a therapy table next to an 18 to 20-year-old, I'll have them beat. All day long as far as joint mobilization and how clean my body is in how everything is supposed to move properly. "I've done things like that because I am serious about what I do and I take a lot of pride in what I put out there. I may not show it all the time on the field, because I try to control my emotions, but I'm excited to see what can happen if I do get that opportunity. "I'm not guaranteeing anything, saying I will kill the league. This is a hard, humbling game. The games I do sit out are against some of the toughest lefties in the game like Lester, Liriano and Sabathia. "Do I believe I can hit them, yeah. But I have to get the opportunity and I have tremendous respect for those pitchers. But I'm interested to see and I've worked hard to get to this point and I feel I've deserved it. We'll see what happens, all I can do is my part." The AL top ten this year in OPS: 1st - Josh Hamilton, Tex...........1.044 2nd - Miguel Cabrera, Det........1.042 3rd - Jose Bautista, Tor..............995 4th - Paul Konerko, CWS...........977 5th - Adrian Beltre, Bos..............919 6th - Robinson Cano, NY............914 7th - Luke Scott, Bal...................902 8th - David Ortiz, Bos.................899 9th - Shin-Soo Choo, Clev..........885 10th - Evan Longoria, TB............879
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