Luke Scott updates his shoulder injury

Two injuries on the same play. Yep, sounds like the 2010 Orioles. On the same play where Alfredo Simon suffered a hamstring injury Sunday at Washington, Luke Scott suffered a strained left shoulder. He was in the original starting lineup tonight, but was scratched before game time. "Right now it feels better. It was aggravated and inflamed. But I've got some good anti-inflammatories in me and I'm icing it for the second time. I'm hoping it will be getting better here very soon," Scott said moments ago in the O's clubhouse. Scott said he might be sent for an MRI on that shoulder tomorrow. "Only if it feels worse. If I get up tomorrow and it feels really, really, bad, I have an MRI appointment. If not, then I'll just come to the field and treat it." Two injuries on one play. "At least we got that guy out," Scott said. Over his last 14 games, Scott is batting .423 with three doubles, six homers and 12 RBI.
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