More from Billy Rowell

Earlier this week in this space, I presented a story on O's minor leaguer Billy Rowell. Rowell talked about his recent swing change and attempt to get his bat going this season after two poor years at the plate at Frederick. Here are some more quotes from the 21-year-old on other topics. What is Rowell's take on reports he has a poor attitude? "I hear this from other people, the media, but if you ask the coaches I don't have a bad attitude. My attitude may have been bad because I was struggling and working so hard. Anyone in that situation would be frustrated. But I didn't let it get to me during the season. "Now I am not frustrated at what happened. I don't regret anything. It's experience and it will come, it will come. I have faith in myself that things will work out." How does he feel about his play the last two seasons with the Frederick Keys? "I had high and low points. You have to be consistent and I wasn't. That is part of playing the game and being a big league player, consistency. The numbers were not there last year, but I think mentally and physically I took another step closer to the big leagues." Do you expect to play at Double-A Bowie this year? "I have not heard. I have no control, all I can do is show up prepared and do well there. All you can do is have faith in yourself and play hard every day." Will the 2010 season be a big year for you? "Every year is a big year. Last year was a big year. You can't pressure yourself to say 'this is the year.' Every year is important and all you can do is work as hard and play as hard as you can and be mentally focused at all times. I have faith things will click for me." Rowell, who played some at first base, third base and outfield at instructional league, remains an outfielder for now, Stockstill said. There are no plans for Rowell to become a full-time designated hitter.
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