More on Robertson, Colome and Britton as Nats seek closer

The Nationals continue discussions with the White Sox regarding closer David Robertson, according to a source with knowledge of the talks. The teams are well acquainted with each other's rosters and prospects following trade talks that involved pitcher Chris Sale and center fielder Adam Eaton last week.

The source also confirmed that the talks between the Nats and the Rays have "cooled" regarding closer Alex Colome. He was a name that was brought up during the Winter Meetings as a potential replacement for Mark Melancon.

zach-britton-white-point.jpgThe Nationals have inquired with the Orioles about Zach Britton. Orioles executive vice president Dan Duquette would consider Brad Brach as a potential closer if Britton is dealt to another team, the source confirmed.

But with the loss of Lucas Giolito, Reynaldo Lopez and Dane Dunning in the trade for Eaton, the Nats may not have enough to offer in return for Britton. This is true if center fielder and No. 1 Nats prospect Victor Robles is not available for trade, which appears to be the case as of right now.

Orioles sign right-hander Logan Ondrusek
The closer signing trifecta is complete

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