Now what for the O's and Mora?

He's played ten years with the Orioles and in over 1,200 games. He is in the top ten all-time in some O's career offensive categories and it seemed that some year down the line he'd be headed to the Orioles Hall of Fame. But Sunday, with the MASN camera rolling and reporters scribbling notes as fast as they could, Melvin Mora took his biggest swing of this season - and burned a bridge along the way. Melvin-Mora_Home.jpg I don't understand why he made the comments he did. Was he set off because David Ortiz wondered why he was batting seventh? Has Ortiz looked at a stat sheet recently? Mora kept saying Dave Trembley didn't respect him. Actually, Trembley has probably showed him too much respect this year. When he sat Mora Friday, he waited to explain the situation to him before posting the lineup. Mora was so touched by that move, he told coaches Trembley didn't have to do that anymore, just post the lineup. Eight games into this season, Mora went on the disabled list. When he returned he went right back into the lineup, and for a while he was hitting and driving in runs. Soon the run production stopped, but his playing time didn't. He was given every chance to get his bat going, but it never happened. He went through the longest homer drought of his career and stayed in the lineup. The next move is up to the Orioles. Do they just bury Mora on the bench, try to trade him, release him? Do they just let it all pass and hope it blows over? Melvin has done a lot of good things over all these years in an Orioles uniform and he's done plenty of good things in the Baltimore community. But he was wrong and out of line on Sunday. He owes Dave Trembley an apology. Of all of Mora's comments yesterday he also said "it's time to move on." Sadly, he was right about that one.
Post-game Notes: Sox sweep O's
Take two for Tillman

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