Rizzo supports Johnson's decision to have Peralta checked (plus game update)

In this entry, I'll have quotes from the Nationals general manager, who responded to quotes from the Rays manager, who responded to quotes from the Nationals manager, who responded to quotes from the Rays manager. GloveGate just keeps on going. Shortly after Rays skipper Joe Maddon came down on the Nationals (again), saying that if he was a player, he'd think twice before signing with the Nats after last night's pine tar incident, Rizzo responded to that take. "I don't agree with it," Rizzo said. "I don't think that's going to faze potential players from coming here, because we've got a great thing going here, and it's a place that players are going to want to come to. Players love playing for Davey Johnson, and they will continue to love to play for Davey Johnson. Davey Johnson's one of the reasons we attract players to the Nationals." Rizzo said he was fine with the way Johnson handled things last night, saying the decision to have the umpires check Joel Peralta's glove for an illegal substance was the right one. "If Davey were to know about somebody getting an unfair advantage against us and not say anything about it, I would be upset at Davey for not saying anything about it," Rizzo said. Rizzo knows Maddon well; the Rays manager was actually Rizzo's skipper when he was playing for the Single-A Salem Angels back in 1982. That team won the Northwest League Class-A championship. There's a great level of respect between the two men, and that doesn't change just because of the verbal barbs being tossed back and forth between the dugouts. "My take on the situation is you've got two major managers and veteran guys who've done it all, and they're protecting their players," Rizzo said. "And that's what good managers do. And that's what they have to continue doing. "I think the game is going to take care of itself. We've got a game to play, we've got two more games against these guys, and that'll end it once we're done playing the team. But as far as personal attacks, I never go for that. But they're both grown men, good managers, and they've got to handle things the way they handle things." Meanwhile, before Stephen Strasburg threw his first pitch tonight, home plate umpire Jeff Nelson came out to check the baseball. He looked it over quickly, gave it back to Strasburg and marched right back behind the plate. It continues. The Nats have an early lead over the Rays and rookie starter Chris Archer tonight after getting three runs in the first inning. Archer, who is making his major league debut, was clearly rattled in the first inning, allowing a double to Steve Lombardozzi and RBI singles to Bryce Harper and Ian Desmond. Jose Molina followed with a long home run to left off Strasburg, and it's now 3-1 Nats.
Clinging to a late-inning lead (Nats win 3-2)
Detwiler back in the rotation, Wang to the 'pen

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