Talking about Bergesen

I checked to see if Brad Bergesen was getting as many ground ball outs this year as last year and he is. Last year he averaged 1.57 ground outs for every fly out and this year he is at 1.59, actually a little better. But Bergesen clearly is not getting the great sink on the ball he was last June and July when he was rolling and too many of his pitches are finding the middle of the plate this year and tonight at Toronto. It's hard to figure. Why can't Bergy recapture the sink on the ball he had last year and why can't he throw more pitches somewhere other than belt high, middle of the plate. (As I type this, he just gave up a three-run homer to Jose Bautista to make it 7-0. That pitch was down in the zone but still got crushed). Hitters batted .265 vs. Bergy last year and now are hitting .327. His WHIP last season was 1.28 and is 1.72 now. That is a mess of base runners. After last year, who would have thought Jason Berken would have the 2.72 ERA and Bergesen's would be 6.51. (There goes another homer, that is three tonight). What a miserable game, 8-0 in the fifth. They are heading for 0-10 vs. Toronto and have now been out-homered 21 to 1 this year by Toronto. That is embarrassing.
On the farm (another Luke homer)
It never fails (updated)

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