The starting pitchers deserve better

Of all the problems the Orioles have right now, here is one you can't put a stat on: teammates losing faith in one another. As in the starting pitchers wondering when the offense will provide them some support. It's the pitcher's job to get the hitters out no matter what, but besides the fans, I wonder who has noticed the O's lack of offense most? David-Hernandez_White-Tall.jpg Probably the pitchers. Lowest run support in the AL: 1st - David Hernandez - 1.46 2nd - Kevin Millwood - 2.30 8th - Jeremy Guthrie - 3.05 That's run support per nine innings. Three of the O's five starters are among those getting the worst support in the league. Every night we seem to ask the starter a variation of the question, "How tough is it to pitch without runs?" Every night the starter takes the high road and does not throw his teammates under the bus. Can that last all season? The high-road answers or the fact that the starters don't get runs to work with? Consider Hernandez. He made his seventh start last night and the team has scored him six runs during the time he has been in the game. That's some word beyond bad. He must feel like when he takes the mound all he has to do is put every pitch where he needs to and not allow any runs. Just be perfect or close to it. For four innings last night, Hernandez was about perfect. Then he cracked. What if he had gotten a 4-0 lead last night by the third inning. Maybe he would have pitched a shutout. Inside the clubhouse right now, at least in their public comments, the players are sticking together. But while the fans are disgusted with the lack of offense, the pitching staff might be feeling that as well. Even though they never say it.
Rainy days and Wednesdays
A weakness exposed?

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