Tillman's poise

Chris Tillman showed some big-time poise in the bottom of the first inning tonight. Meanwhile, home plate umpire Mark Wegner is sure missing a good game, at least missing some good Tillman pitches. I give the 21-year-old right hander immense credit for keeping his poise while Wegner was missing pitches and forcing Tillman to work to the max to get out of a bases-loaded jam. But he was forced to throw 31 pitches. Will that catch up to him in the second inning tonight? Maybe the 5th or 6th? You should not have to work that hard for outs when you throw such quality pitches. But Tillman did, all to his credit. Dave Trembley has talked before about how hard it seems some of the young pitchers have had to work to get outs this year. Boy is he right about that. Hopefully for the rest of this game, some of those close pitches will go Tillman's way. He's due a few in my opinion.
Tonight's pitchers: Tillman vs. Niemann
Another solid Tillman outing

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