We are now underway (plus Norfolk roster move)

Play Ball: As of 8:12p, we are underway at Camden Yards after a rain delay of one hour and seven minutes. It's 74 degrees at gametime. Jeremy Guthrie is pitching vs. Justin Masterson in game one of this O's vs. Cleveland weekend series. From earlier: The grounds crew is putting the tarp on the field here at Camden Yards. It's getting darker and rain is on the way. We'll see how long before tonight's scheduled game begins. In the meantime, please leave any comments or questions here starting now on the O's majors or minors and I'll answer as best as I can. The questions are not pouring in. It's kind of a trickle. Okay, there aren't any yet. But I'm not getting sensitive about it. Bueller, Bueller. By the way, I just had an interesting conversation with Jim Henneman, the official scorer here. I asked Jim if he knew of any "unwritten rule" in baseball where a player does not run over the mound on his way back to the dugout. Remember the A-Rod and Dallas Braden incident. A-Rod ran over the mound and Braden got all worked up about it. I asked Jim because he covered baseball for so many years and is very knowledgable. He didn't know of any unwritten rule like that. I still don't mind Braden's reaction and standing up to A-Rod. He also pitched a perfect game a few days later. 7:20 update: It is now raining very hard at the Yard. This may be a longer delay than some thought, although people in the press box seem confident that we'll get this game started at some point. 7:28 update: Nolan Reimold is batting fifth as the DH for Norfolk at Bufalo tonight. He walked his first time up. To make roster room, Paco Figueroa was placed on Aberdeen's roster. That is what is known as a "paper move" to open the space for Reimold since Aberdeen is not playing right now. Pitchers Jim Miller and Andy Mitchell are also right now technically on Aberdeen's roster, although all three players I understand are with the Norfolk club, but cannot be active right now. Scott Moore has a hamstring injury and if he had to be disabled, that would open a spot for someone. The roster limit is 24 active in the International League. 7:40 update: The rain is slowing up but the tarp is still on the field. The sky is getting lighter above Camden Yards. 7:44 update: The grounds crew is now about to take the tarp off and tonight's game will start, we are told at 8:10 p.m.
Nats vs. Rockies postponed; split doubleheader Sat...
Never a good sign

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