Even the marathon dentist appointment that delayed my posting of this week's 'Where in the Yard?' couldn't dampen an admittedly wet and gloomy day at Camden Yards - not when they're setting up food, drink and merchandise booths on Eutaw Street in preparation for Opening Day.
The renewal process around here is always refreshing after a long winter without ballgames or the buzz they create around the Yard, and the energy around the Warehouse steadily picks up with every day nearer to the start of the new season.
But before I get carried away with thoughts of Opening Day, check out the photo below and see if you can figure out where we are in or around Oriole Park at Camden Yards.
And just like the week when we visited Edward Bennett Williams Plaza, an answer of the obvious ("Eli Jacobs Plaza") won't earn you any points - this week I'm looking for you to tell me where Eli Jacobs Plaza is located and what's there for O's fans to note during their next trip to the Yard.
Update: Jay, Alex S., Allan, Chris in Baltimore, Bob St., and Allen all have it so far. Nice job O's fans!
Also add Ethan W. in Cumberland, Heathir, and bedman to the list, as well as Lauren, who I missed (somewhere between Chris in Baltimore and Bob St.) when I listed the first batch...
And Charles B from SP, Steve P, Glassman, Jeremy from Cumberland, Amy, Jeff in York, Brandt (O's fan), Chris B in Silver Spring, Dom, Eddie S., Tim Morris, John W.. Bryan and Oliver.
Hint: Since one or two of you have asked for a hint, I'll say that you have to Stand in the Right spot to get a good view of Eli Jacobs Plaza and the O's on the field...
Answer: Good work to the many of you who knew that Eli Jacobs Plaza is the official name for the area between right field and Eutaw Street that houses both the flag court and the standing room only section of the ballpark.
And remember O's fans, only one more round of 'Where in the Yard?' before Oriole Park is open to all of you once again. We're rounding up prizes for our winners here, so keep an eye out for a set of offseason standings before we jump into the regular season.
As always, great job and thanks for guessing.

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