Who is your all-time favorite National?

As part of his "10 questions for fans" series, my MASNsports.com colleague Steve Melewski recently asked his readers who is their all-time favorite Oriole, and I thought to myself, "Hey, this would also be a good question to pose to Nationals fans, too!"

There is obviously a major historical difference in terms of longevity between the two franchises - the Orioles have called Baltimore home since 1954 and the Nationals have only called Washington, D.C., home since 2005 - but I think that almost makes the question a little more intriguing for Nats fans.

With a short history and the roster quirks that come with a franchise relocating to a new city, the choices could vary. Perhaps your favorite National is one of the few long-standing players or maybe you have an undying loyalty to a player who was in Washington only briefly.

Whoever it may be, let us know and give us a background story as to why that player is your favorite. Maybe you like a particular play for a single play he made. Maybe you met a National in person and will forever hold him dearly in your fandom. Maybe there's another reason. Don't hold back, let us know!

Ryan-Zimmerman-running-white-sidebar.jpgFor me, as a 25-year-old D.C. sports fan, it would be hard for me to ever pick anyone other than Ryan Zimmerman. Growing up as an Orioles fan and idolizing Cal Ripken Jr., Zimmerman was the natural choice for me to turn to once the Nationals came to D.C. He was the hometown kid who was the Nats' first-ever draft selection out. He played third base (my position growing up). He became known as "Mr. Walk-off" and will be known forever as "Mr. National" as the face of the franchise.

He had a renaissance season this past year, which was a great story to follow all season long. He is a leader in the clubhouse and in the community. And his No. 11 will be honored at Nats Park when his playing days are over.

This is a big offseason for the Nationals that precedes an even bigger offseason in 2018, so this ballclub - and your answers - could be very different in the coming seasons. That's why we want to hear from you now! Let us know who your favorite National is in the comments section below.

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