Setting the guest blogger rotation for 2018

Since 2011, has welcomed guest bloggers to our pages, giving folks with strong opinions about the Nationals a chance to share their viewpoints with a larger audience. We'll do the same in 2018, though we're adding a couple of newcomers to our rotation.

Nationals-Nats-Presidents-Race.jpgWe'll begin on Friday, March 30 - which is currently scheduled as an off-day after the Nats' season opener in Cincinnati - with the introduction of Ryan Sullivan, who hosts The Nats GM podcast and associated website. He'll be followed on Monday by holdover Marty Niland of D.C. Baseball History. Wednesdays will feature Liz Barr, who blogs about the Nationals for The Nats Blog,

Each member of this trio has a distinctive voice, and each has definitive opinons about the baseball team that calls South Capitol Street home. We hope you'll read them and visit their sites, engage them on Twitter and comment on their guest blogs.

The Natosphere has been lucky to have many dedicated and talented bloggers wax poetic about the hometown team over the years. We're happy to share out little corner of cyberspace with them, and hope you'll give them a read this season.

We can't wait to get started March 30!

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