Givens Back Foundation hosts haircuts and a night at the park

Orioles right-hander Mychal Givens and his Givens Back Foundation today hosted students from the Baltimore Collegiate School for Boys and the Orioles RBI program, who got free back-to-school haircuts and dinner at Oriole Park. Each student also got a backpack and a ticket to the Orioles' game against the Tampa Bay Rays.

Givens-Back-Haircut-buzz.jpgGivens and his wife, Tiffani, launched the Givens Back Foundation with the mission of enhancing the lives of inner city youth through sports.

The Baltimore Collegiate School for Boys is the first charter school in the city to serve boys exclusively, and includes grades 4 through 8. The Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities (RBI) program is a youth outreach initiative of Major League Baseball.

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