Drew Kinback: My letter to Ryan Zimmerman

Dear Ryan, I can't tell you how excited NatsTown and myself are at recently hearing the news you are on your way back to Viera, Fla., to take your rehab to "high gear with more baseball specific activities." You posted that on your Facebook page. I know. I liked you. Top-notch, old chum, top-notch! Florida is beautiful this time of year and having spent some time in The Sunshine State myself, I'm envious. I recommend the Shamrock & Thistle Irish bar in Titusville for drunken revelry and Mosquito Lagoon for throwing a hook in the water. Best red fish fishing in the country. One must take from the aggressive and excited tone of your social networking proclamation that you are well on your path to returning to Washington, D.C., and the team and perhaps you can see the light at the end of the tunnel. That is great, but let me tell you, Zim, Bubi - things haven't been too hot in NatsTown since you've been gone. We survived the Rapture, but apparently the offense was taken into Big G's glory because no one from general manager Mike Rizzo to manager Jim Riggleman knows where it has gone. Speaking of those two, Rizzles and Riggs have been having a hard time keeping things together. They miss you as much as we all do, but they've had a tough time handling it No doubt when that bold No. 11 hits the field again at Nationals Park, it will be viewed as some sort of return or resurrection. With your return sometime in the coming months, Stephen Strasburg throwing off the mound again and Bryce Harper raking in the minors it will be like the Nationals have a triad of baseball Jesuses! Hooray! Christmas comes three or four times next year! Your presence in the lineup will no doubt change the dynamic of the sorry-sot lineups Riggleman has been concocting. You'll be put back right at your No. 3 spot, pushing Jayson Werth to God knows where. And get this: They've tried putting Adam LaRoche in clean-up. Ha, ha. I know, right? Personally, I'd like to see a 3-4-5 of you, Mr. Gold Glove Winner, you, Wilson Ramos and Werth just for ships and skittles. You of the Midas touch, I can't tell you how awesome it will be seeing you man the corner infield spot again. It has been kept warm by the likes of Alex Cora, Jerry Hairston Jr. and Brian Bixler, mere holding pieces, like that funnel filled with fruit and pumpkins on a Thanksgiving table that is moved when the main course arrives. You, Ryan are that main course. Everyone at the Nats table wants a slice of the face. The only problem, though, is Natstown is just itching to have you back so badly, but I don't think they realize yet that while having you back will be terrific and no doubt add a little pop, I don't think it will be the answer to the Nationals' problems. Pitchers will no doubt have a little more respect with a Zimmermanfied line-up, but Zimmerman can't bat nine times for the other guys. Or can you, Ryan? I'll guess we'll deal with that when it comes. For now, big guy, get strong, get healthy, get a tan and get back to the big team as soon as you can. We miss you. I miss you. D.C misses you. You've got to get back so we can get some more Nats web gems and laugh at David Wright for being a tourist. I hope this letter is legible because my handwriting is bad and I am nervous because this is the first time I have ever written to a baseball player before. Don't ask how I got your address because I won't tell you. Your Biggest Fan, Drew xoxo P.S. I'm not worthy. Drew Kinback blogs about the Nats at Nationals Inquisition, and has given his take this week as part of MASNsports.com's season-long initiative of welcoming guest bloggers to our little corner of cyberspace. All opinions expressed are those of the guest bloggers, who are not employed by MASNsports.com but are just as passionate about their baseball as our roster of writers.
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